The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we do many things, but sharing greetings should not be one of them. The holidays are a great time to tell your clients and business contacts that you care about them and how much they mean to you notwithstanding the distancing that the pandemic has brought.
The art is in the writing of the greeting card and the image it will carry. Many of our clients ask us if it is appropriate to refer to the difficult times we are going through or should we just ignore them? What should be the communication angle of our wishes and what is appropriate to say?
We've looked into this and here are our quick tips on the subject:
Humor. We don't know anyone who doesn't like to laugh and take a break from their day to acknowledge a bit of clever humor. Making your customers and contacts laugh doesn't undermine your brand's professionalism, but it does fuel your employer brand's likability if it's done well and tastefully.
Positivism. The holiday season is a time to gather and appreciate others. It's a time to show our appreciation and look forward to the good times ahead. Staying positive without dwelling on the dark side remains the festive angle that all wish to receive at this sweet time of the year.
The year 2021. The greeting card represents a perfect time to acknowledge the year that has just passed; good things! It is not, however, the time to list our own personal good deeds and successes. It's an ideal forum to highlight collective successes... without making a novel out of it!
It's up to you if you want to reference the pandemic and how it changed our world, but whatever you choose to do, remember that holiday cards can be a burst of heartfelt positivity - and some people on your mailing list may be feeling a little glum at this time of year. For some people, a little normalcy means a lot.
In a short amount of time and words, you need to get the message across that matters to you and your audience. Have you given the necessary time to think about your message and the communication angle? We can help you write and conceptualize the perfect card for you. We have the writers, graphic designers and animation experts to help you.
Have a great holiday season!